Privacy Policy

At emoji mixer, we promise to keep your information safe and secure. Our Privacy Policy explains how we gather, use, and protect your data when you use our emoji combination tool online. You can trust us to prioritise your privacy.

  1. 1. Information We Collect: When you use our site, we don't collect details like your IP address, browser type, device info, and how you use the site. So don't worry, and enjoy our site to make emoji combinations.

  2. 2. Use of Cookies: Like other sites, we use cookies to make your browsing smoother. These cookies might gather information like your preferences and settings. You can control or turn off cookies in your browser, which might affect some parts of our site.

  3. 3. Data Security: We take various measures to protect your information from unauthorised access, changes, or loss. But remember, no online method is 100% secure.

  4. 4. Third-Party Links: Sometimes, we link to other websites or services that aren't ours. We aren't in charge of how these sites handle privacy, so checking out their policies is a good idea.

  5. 5. Changes to This Policy: We might change or update this Privacy Policy whenever necessary. If we do, we'll show them here. If you keep using our site, you're okay with these changes.

By using our website, you consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please get in touch with us.